
Managing Lower Back Pain With the Assured Guidance of a Physiotherapist

Managing Lower Back Pain With the Assured Guidance of a Physiotherapist 1280 1837 Msk Therapy

When you look at statistics, the numbers are staggering; according to a study conducted in 2017, 7.5% of the global population suffered from low back pain. That is approximately 577M people across the world, making it one of the most common causes of physical disability. Furthermore, experts predict that almost every individual in the world…

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The Benefits of Stretching: How to Start for a Beginner

The Benefits of Stretching: How to Start for a Beginner 1280 853 Msk Therapy

When you wake up in the morning and stretch your arms out, your body feels an instant release from the stiffness and tightness that a night of sleeping has brought on. This is because, for the most part, the average adult lies in one position for long periods of time during the course of 6…

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Top 5 Recommended Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

Top 5 Recommended Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain 1280 853 Msk Therapy

Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic lower back pain – a common symptom of several conditions that affect the lower back, sometimes in the form of referred pain. Surprisingly, though, low back pain is more often caused by factors that are unrelated to medical conditions. These include various lifestyle habits, poor posture,…

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Safe & Effective Chiropractic Treatments for Whiplash

Safe & Effective Chiropractic Treatments for Whiplash 4160 6240 Msk Therapy

A whiplash injury can cause various symptoms which differ from patient to patient. While there are also various treatments that chiropractors use to relieve these painful symptoms, the chosen approach will depend on the patient’s prognosis. Before a whiplash injury can be treated, the chiropractor will perform a thorough chiropractic examination to understand the type…

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5 Signs That You Need to See a Chiropractor

5 Signs That You Need to See a Chiropractor 1280 853 Msk Therapy

The aches and pains that you experience on a daily basis might be bearable, however, over the years, you may not have realised that you have been limiting your body’s ability to perform certain activities while compromising your overall quality of life. This happens so gradually that most people don’t even consider seeking medical attention;…

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The Right & Wrong Sleeping Positions for Back Pain According to Chiropractors

The Right & Wrong Sleeping Positions for Back Pain According to Chiropractors 1280 853 Msk Therapy

With our ever-changing modern-day lifestyles, it’s getting harder and harder to get enough sleep at night. In fact, the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night seems like a far-fetched dream for so many people who either work long hours, night shifts or simply find themselves glued to a screen instead of going to bed…

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Six Important Ergonomic Tips When Working at a Desk

Six Important Ergonomic Tips When Working at a Desk 1280 854 Msk Therapy

Millions of people work jobs that require them to sit at a desk for many hours at a stretch, causing all sorts of back, neck, and spine problems, along with a host of other health-related issues. In fact, your whole body is affected by prolonged periods of sitting time including joints, blood circulation, metabolism rate,…

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What Affects Your Bones? Tips to Improve Bone Health

What Affects Your Bones? Tips to Improve Bone Health 1919 1279 Msk Therapy

There are many changes that occur in bones as we grow older. Ideally, one’s bones should be strengthened during the early stages of development, and continued from childhood, all through the adolescent years, and up to the age of 30. This is because bone mass generally increases during those years, and finally reaches its peak…

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How to Reduce or Prevent Body Aches with Movement & Exercise

How to Reduce or Prevent Body Aches with Movement & Exercise 1280 853 Msk Therapy

You often hear about the importance of exercising daily; however, a lot of people misinterpret what this means. Getting in that daily exercise doesn’t necessarily mean doing something strenuous or working out till you’re covered in sweat. Instead, all you need to do is move!  Yes, movement is something a lot of us take for…

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Everything to Know About the Top 5 Most Common Shoulder Injuries

Everything to Know About the Top 5 Most Common Shoulder Injuries 1280 853 Msk Therapy

Unlike any other joint in the body, the shoulder joint boasts the greatest range of mobility. Even the slightest arm motion is supported by the ball and socket in your shoulder; hence, overuse of the joint is inevitable. Unfortunately, as you grow older, these overworked joints can lead to different types of shoulder conditions or…

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