Why is it Important to Have Rehabilitation After Surgery or Injury?

Why is it Important to Have Rehabilitation After Surgery or Injury?

Why is it Important to Have Rehabilitation After Surgery or Injury? 1920 1080 Msk Therapy

Surgery or post-injury treatments are not the final steps in one’s road to recovery. In fact, rehabilitation is an integral part of the process that gives patients a much higher chance at making a full recovery. While all injuries and surgeries do not necessarily require rehabilitation,  when physiotherapy and other treatments such as chiropractic care and massage therapy are advised for recovery, finding the best rehabilitation centre with experienced and trained medical professionals is very important. Under strict guidance from a proficient physiotherapist, your progress will be closely monitored and your performance assisted to ensure a quicker and safe recovery.

From injuries resulting in nerve damage to surgeries that lead to joint and mobility problems; physiotherapy helps your body to heal in a number of ways. Most importantly, it ensures that you are recovering in a safe and guided manner to prevent further injury or damage to your body and health.

5 Major Benefits of Post-Surgery/Injury Rehabilitation

While the techniques and training required to rehabilitate patients are not always easy, they are certainly successful in restoring one’s mobility, muscle mass, and strength, among other physical functions of the body. Let’s take a closer look at how rehabilitation after a surgery or injury can help patients make a full recovery.

1. Relieves Pain & Reduces Inflammation

Swelling in any part of the body can lead to pain by way of compressed nerves or, at the very least, cause discomfort. On the other hand, some low-high impact injuries may not cause inflammation but will still be accompanied by pain in one or more areas of the body. While medication may be advised for quick relief, this is a short-term solution for alleviating pain and reducing inflammation. 

Regardless of the predicted duration of your recovery period or the type of injury sustained, healing your body must include pain management and treatment to get rid of swelling for a successful recovery. Rehabilitation with exercise and physiotherapy is a long-term solution for patients experiencing chronic pain after a surgery or injury which, in turn, advances the recovery process.

2. Prevents Worsening of the Patient’s Condition

Side effects and secondary problems that commonly occur with medical treatments related to injury and surgery often hinder the patient’s progress. More importantly, if measures are not taken to prevent potential health risks that come with surgery or injury, there is a good chance that the patient’s condition will worsen. 

Physical therapy plays an important role in healing the body, as well as preventing complications that may arise in patients that are completely inactive after a surgery or injury. The chances of blood clots, infections, and contractures are significantly reduced when you exercise your body under the guidance of a physiotherapist.

3. Strengthens Muscles & Improves Mobility

Some surgeries or injuries interfere with the natural range of motion of certain parts of the body; this limitation often causes your muscles and tissue to become tight, inflamed, and spasm. Not only is this painful and uncomfortable to deal with but it also slows down your recovery. 

The best way to regain mobility and restore muscle mass is by exercising and regular physiotherapy sessions. Using therapies and training that involve myofascial release, movement, strength training, and mobility exercises, your body will begin to heal and function more normally. This is especially true with surgery/injury to the knee or hips; with targeted exercises to strengthen the back, core, and pelvis, one’s stability, and balance are greatly improved.

4. Better Flexibility

Lack of flexibility leads to stiff joints which, in turn, puts you at a greater risk of injury. Unfortunately, patients who are recovering from surgery or injury are more comfortable being inactive for fear of causing more damage to their bodies. While exertion and certain types of physical activities are not advised, lack of daily movement will do more harm than good to your body and overall health. This includes the weakening of muscles and pain and discomfort when attempting normal activities such as getting into a standing position, raising your arms, and so on.

With more daily activity, light stretching, and gentle movement as part of your physiotherapy, you can increase your flexibility and steadily improve your joint health. Additionally, the more flexible your body is, the more limber your muscles will be. 

5. Decreases the Chance of Excess Scar Tissue Formation

Wounds or incisions from either surgery or injury lead to the formation of scar tissue which helps the skin heal and repair itself. Excess scar tissue, however, limits functions like mobility and flexibility throughout the post-surgery/injury recovery period and therefore, prolongs the healing process. 

When in rehabilitation, medical professionals offer therapies that soften scar tissue which promotes quicker healing and improved flexibility. These techniques generally include ultrasound therapy and low-high intensity massages.

With their extensive knowledge in treatments for various injuries and surgical procedures, the physical therapists and chiropractors at MSK Therapy will customise an exercise program and additional therapies to be followed for a safe and successful post-surgery/injury recovery!