
Managing Lower Back Pain With the Assured Guidance of a Physiotherapist

Managing Lower Back Pain With the Assured Guidance of a Physiotherapist 1280 1837 Msk Therapy

When you look at statistics, the numbers are staggering; according to a study conducted in 2017, 7.5% of the global population suffered from low back pain. That is approximately 577M people across the world, making it one of the most common causes of physical disability. Furthermore, experts predict that almost every individual in the world…

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Why Rehabilitation With a Physiotherapist is Important When Training With an Injury

Why Rehabilitation With a Physiotherapist is Important When Training With an Injury 1280 853 Msk Therapy

As with any physical activity, there is a risk of injury involved. In fact, even something as simple as twisting your ankle while on a jog, can do a fair amount of damage which may worsen if not treated appropriately.  Whether an injury is creating difficulty for day-to-day activities, or it is setting you back…

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An Introduction to Sports Chiropractic Care: Its Purpose, Benefits, and More

An Introduction to Sports Chiropractic Care: Its Purpose, Benefits, and More 1280 853 Msk Therapy

Whether you are an athlete or not, professional or otherwise, you must know of the many different injuries that one is prone to when playing sports. Depending on the amount of physical activity involved, and the type and intensity of the same, there is a tremendous amount of strain and wear and tear placed on…

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The Benefits of Stretching: How to Start for a Beginner

The Benefits of Stretching: How to Start for a Beginner 1280 853 Msk Therapy

When you wake up in the morning and stretch your arms out, your body feels an instant release from the stiffness and tightness that a night of sleeping has brought on. This is because, for the most part, the average adult lies in one position for long periods of time during the course of 6…

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Is Running Advisable if You Have Back Pain?

Is Running Advisable if You Have Back Pain? 1279 853 Msk Therapy

For anyone who is suffering from back pain, running is the last activity they imagine doing because it is believed to aggravate the problem. While there is some truth in that, it is purely based on one’s individual back pain diagnosis. In other words, it is highly recommended that you go for a checkup to…

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Top Tips to Safely Exercise With Sciatica

Top Tips to Safely Exercise With Sciatica 1280 853 Msk Therapy

In any given circumstance, exercise (especially for beginners) can be challenging. Of course, getting through a basic workout routine can be a real uphill battle for anyone who is suffering from sciatica. In fact, for most of them, it seems impossible to do any physical activity, let alone exercise.  Fortunately, if you are experiencing sciatic…

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How to Include More Activity in Your Day

How to Include More Activity in Your Day 1920 1278 Msk Therapy

Being more active is such a challenge for so many people. Thanks to technology, so many of us find ourselves sitting down and staring at a screen for hours and hours on end. Whether it’s for work or leisure, the bottom line is that technology has made us lazy and a lot less active than…

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How to Reduce or Prevent Body Aches with Movement & Exercise

How to Reduce or Prevent Body Aches with Movement & Exercise 1280 853 Msk Therapy

You often hear about the importance of exercising daily; however, a lot of people misinterpret what this means. Getting in that daily exercise doesn’t necessarily mean doing something strenuous or working out till you’re covered in sweat. Instead, all you need to do is move!  Yes, movement is something a lot of us take for…

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Sleeping in bed with the night lamp turned on


WHAT IS A SHIN SPLINT? 1400 933 Msk Therapy

What is a shin splint/Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)? Shin splints/MTSS refers to a nagging and dull ache that runs along the inner shin – with potential swelling. Although often not serious, shin splints can lead to more serious conditions (like stress fractures) if not treated properly – or, by doing too much too soon!…

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