
When is a Stiff Neck a Cause for Concern?

When is a Stiff Neck a Cause for Concern? 1280 720 Msk Therapy

Nearly everyone can relate to a stiff neck that is often accompanied by pain as well as numbness in the surrounding areas. Whether it was caused by sleeping awkwardly, or by doing something strenuous; stiffness and soreness in the neck can be very uncomfortable and painful. In most cases, however, it only lasts a couple…

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The Right & Wrong Sleeping Positions for Back Pain According to Chiropractors

The Right & Wrong Sleeping Positions for Back Pain According to Chiropractors 1280 853 Msk Therapy

With our ever-changing modern-day lifestyles, it’s getting harder and harder to get enough sleep at night. In fact, the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night seems like a far-fetched dream for so many people who either work long hours, night shifts or simply find themselves glued to a screen instead of going to bed…

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Six Important Ergonomic Tips When Working at a Desk

Six Important Ergonomic Tips When Working at a Desk 1280 854 Msk Therapy

Millions of people work jobs that require them to sit at a desk for many hours at a stretch, causing all sorts of back, neck, and spine problems, along with a host of other health-related issues. In fact, your whole body is affected by prolonged periods of sitting time including joints, blood circulation, metabolism rate,…

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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis: How Does it Help?

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis: How Does it Help? 1920 1440 Msk Therapy

Millions of people around the world are affected by some form of scoliosis – a sideways curvature of the spine – including individuals who are diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. As alarming as this sounds, the majority of cases are often considered ‘mild’ and, with the right treatment, needn’t subject patients to many…

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Types of Cervical Spine Conditions You Can Treat With Chiropractic Manipulation

Types of Cervical Spine Conditions You Can Treat With Chiropractic Manipulation 1280 720 Msk Therapy

The onset of pain experienced in the upper back, neck, shoulders, and arms is often related to problems with the cervical spine. In these specific regions of the body, trauma or damage to tendons, muscles, fascia, nerves, joints, ligaments, or discs can lead to a cervical spine condition that causes symptoms such as chronic pain,…

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Treating Myofascial Pain Syndrome with Chiropractic Care

Treating Myofascial Pain Syndrome with Chiropractic Care 1280 720 Msk Therapy

Among the many different conditions/diseases, chiropractic care is used to treat, myofascial pain syndrome is certainly one of the most common ones. This chronic pain disorder can affect the fibrous connective tissue (known as fascia) and muscles anywhere in the body which typically results in ‘knots’ just beneath the skin. Depending on the cause or…

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Why is it Important to Have Rehabilitation After Surgery or Injury?

Why is it Important to Have Rehabilitation After Surgery or Injury? 1920 1080 Msk Therapy

Surgery or post-injury treatments are not the final steps in one’s road to recovery. In fact, rehabilitation is an integral part of the process that gives patients a much higher chance at making a full recovery. While all injuries and surgeries do not necessarily require rehabilitation,  when physiotherapy and other treatments such as chiropractic care…

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Should I Visit the ER or a Chiropractor for My Back Pain?

Should I Visit the ER or a Chiropractor for My Back Pain? 1280 720 Msk Therapy

Approximately 70-90% of people will encounter some form of back pain at least once in their life. In Australia alone, over 15% of the population suffers from back-related problems, and this percentage will likely see an increase if prolonged back pain is not treated in a timely manner, and/or individuals continue to adopt bad habits…

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Managing Chronic Pain With Chiropractic Care – Here’s How it Works

Managing Chronic Pain With Chiropractic Care – Here’s How it Works 1280 720 Msk Therapy

At some point in everyone’s life, they will likely experience some sort of chronic pain whether it is caused by an accident/injury, health-related problems, or just poor posture. The bottom line is that if you are currently suffering from chronic pain, there is a very high chance that the cure lies in the capable hands…

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The Negative Effects of Poor Posture and How to Correct it

The Negative Effects of Poor Posture and How to Correct it 1280 720 Msk Therapy

Most people don’t realise they have bad posture until it starts to affect them in different ways. In fact, unless you ‘fix’ your posture, slouching will always feel more natural than keeping your back straight. This is when it really starts to take a toll on your body because your back remains rounded for hours…

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